Piedmont Christian School offers high academic and spiritual standards of Christian training, serving the families of Louisa County and surrounding area.  It is our goal to provide the best quality education from the Biblical Christian perspective in grades K3-12th.  Our desire is to teach the whole child, helping him or her to develop in every area of life—spiritual and moral growth, personal and social development, as well as academic growth.  Piedmont Christian School presently offers classroom opportunities for K3 through 12th grades. 

Piedmont Christian School was founded in 1970 to provide quality Christian education for the families in this community.  The school is dedicated to the development of Christian academic standards in its students.

Piedmont Christian School admits all qualified students without regard to race, religion, color, or national and ethnic origin in the administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, and/or other school-administered programs.


We ask that parents prayerfully read this handbook and then read it with your student as well.  Discuss the issues outlined in the handbook, then sign and return the last page to the PCS office.  Families with multiple children need only to sign one copy.


Our educational philosophy is BIBLE-BASED, CHRIST-CENTERED, AND HOLY SPIRIT- CONTROLLED.  With the understanding that all truth is God’s truth, we strive to see that every subject is founded on the absolutes of God’s Word and acknowledges the pre-eminence of Jesus Christ in all things.  With the control of the Holy Spirit, the teachers seek to relate truths from a Christian perspective in such a way that the pupil applies this learning within the context of his/her society.

This is an enormous task to accomplish.  We ask that you pledge your daily prayer support and cooperation as we seek to fulfill God’s command to provide Christian education for your child.  We believe that our ministry is to help parents “train up a child in the way he should go” (Proverbs 22:6).  We believe that the school and the parents must be in agreement and fully supportive of each other in this training process.  In this way, we are “yoked together” in your child’s training (II Corinthians 6:14).


I.  For the SPIRITUAL and MORAL GROWTH of the students, the school seeks the following:

A.  Lead the pupils into a personal, saving relationship with Christ as Lord and Savior.

B.  Teach the Bible and foster right attitudes toward it as God’s inspired Word.

C.  Develop a desire to know and do the will of God

D.  Teach the students daily Christian living and service and to equip and encourage them to witness for Christ.

E.  Develop a Biblical sense of right and wrong and teach the students how to overcome sin.

F.  Foster self-discipline in the student, based on respect and reverence for God and all God-appointed authority.

G.  Develop a God-consciousness and Christian philosophy of life by integrating all subject areas with the Bible.


II. For the student’s PERSONAL and SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT, the school proposes the following:

A.  Develop a balanced personality based on a proper understanding and acceptance of himself/herself as a creation of God.

B.  Make himself/herself aware of personal capabilities through Christ.

C.  Foster wholesome personal relationships through development of social skills based on the Christian concept of love.

D.  Prepare for the wholesome and Christian use of leisure time.

E.  Show a realistic and Biblical view of life and work and provide skills for future endeavors in education and vocation.

F.  Develop the proper attitudes, understanding, and skills needed to establish God-honoring homes.

G.  Promote fitness, maintenance, and skillful use of the body as the temple of God.

H.  Impart the Biblical attitude toward material things and promote the wise use of them for the glory of God.


III. ACADEMICALLY, the school endeavors to accomplish the following:

A.  Promote high academic standards, which yield success in the fundamental process of communicating with others.

B.  Teach and encourage the formation of good study habits.

C.  Teach the students how to do research that is scientifically proper.

D.  Develop creative and critical thinking within guidelines of proper Biblical interpretation and application.

E.  Promote good citizenship through developing an understanding and appreciation of our Christian and American heritage of freedom and human dignity.

F.  Impart knowledge of the world and current affairs in all fields, relating them to God’s plan for man.


IV. In WORKING WITH THE HOME, the school desires to:

A.  Cooperate closely with the parents, especially as it relates to the school’s program of development for the student.

B.  Help parents understand the school’s purpose and programs.


WE BELIEVE that Jesus is the Son of God.  His birth was divine.  His life reveals God’s will for us and is our example.  He died for our sins, and rose again to become our living Savior.  He ascended to Heaven from whence we confidently expect His personal return at any time, as He promised.  John 14:1-3

THE CHURCH is His body.  It was divinely established.  It is commissioned of Christ to go and tell the “Good News” to the whole creation.  Christ is the Head of the Church.  Division of His body is sinful, and hinders evangelism.

MEMBERS are added to the church (His Body, Family, Kingdom) by God through His Son, Jesus Christ.  The plan of salvation is:

1.  Hearing the Good News and believing it by faith—Acts 16:30-31, Romans 10:17

2.  Repenting (turning from and forsaking sin)—Acts 2:38, 17:30, Luke 13:3

3.  Confessing Jesus as Lord—Romans 10:9-10, Matthew 10:32

4.  Being baptized in water—Acts 2:38, 41; 8:35-39; Romans 6:3-6; Colossians 2:12

5.  Living a faithful life—II Peter 3:18, Revelation 2:10

BAPTISM is for believers only.  It is an immersion in water for the remission of sins and to receive the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.  We rise from the water in newness of life as a born-again believer.  John 3:5

COMMUNION is an act of worship.  It is a meeting of believers to keep the blood covenant until Christ’s return.  It is a memorial of Christ’s death for our sins and is observed every Sunday.  Acts 20:7; I Corinthians 11:31-32

THE BIBLE is God’s Word and is our absolute authority.  The New Testament is especially important for us, as it contains Christ’s teachings, the beginning of His Church, and the divine instruction manual for a happy Christian life.  It assures us of the ultimate victory of Christ and His Church.  II Timothy 3:16-17

 CHRISTIANS are meant to grow in character and in strength.  This is accomplished by:

1.  A life of faith and service every day (also seen in church involvement).

2.  Faithfulness to the church.

3.  Daily prayer and Bible reading, which develops a Christ-like spirit that helps others to believe in and accept the Lord.  A daily quiet time is a must.

4.  Separation from the world.

 If you are in need of a church family or spiritual counseling, please contact our ministry team at

(540) 872-3707.



            All new students will take a diagnostic test to determine readiness for grade-level work, in the areas of language and math. A student may be placed in a grade on a trial basis if testing results warrant this.  Grade placement becomes final after the successful completion of the agreed upon trial period or may be changed if such movement would be in the best interest of the child’s overall education.  Children who are entering first grade must have satisfactorily completed kindergarten.

            Subject to completing satisfactory evaluations, being toilet-trained, and being approved by the Administrator, children will be accepted into:

·         K3 who are three years old by September 30th,

·         K4 who are four years old by September 30th,

·         K5 who are five years old by September 30th.


            All students transferring from other schools or homeschool programs must have successfully progressed from the previous grade and provide transcripts demonstrating this progress. They must also take a placement test in both language and math. Placement testing determines grade-level readiness and allows for academic plans to be put in place that would help the child to find success at Piedmont. Parents must give full disclosure regarding medical and discipline history and previous placement of student in any special programs.


If a student transfers to PCS from a public school and had a previous IEP or 504 plan, the administrator and teachers will discuss what accommodations can be met at PCS. Because we are a private school with limited staff and capabilities, there are only certain accommodations that can be made. The parents, administration, and teachers will agree on a PCS student plan together, and the student will be on a trial basis for at least the first quarter. If the student, parents, or teachers do not feel that the student plan is working, a meeting will be scheduled to discuss next steps.


            Students entering private or public school for the first time must submit a birth certificate. 

ALL enrolling students must furnish:

·         a copy of immunization records. 

·         a completed Piedmont enrollment application signed by biological parents or guardians

·         a copy of Social Security card

·         any court orders regarding guardianship, custody, and/or restrictions for visitation or taking possession of a Piedmont student

·         any legal name change documentation for the student

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) provides for parental access to a student’s educational records within 45 days of such a request.  However, all grades, status reports, report cards, transcripts, and other school-created documents are proprietary (they belong to the school) and will only be furnished when contractual and financial obligations are in a current state.


            School-age children who are not enrolled in a public or private school full-time or part-time are considered homeschool students. Homeschool students may be involved with or enrolled in an online or cooperative educational program. These students may enroll at Piedmont in 7th-12th grades for a maximum of three classes or subjects, at a cost of $750 each. Students in grades 9-12 will earn one high school credit for each successfully completed class, and transcripts will be provided upon completion. Enrolled homeschool students are expected to abide by all PCS policies (including dress code) and are eligible for all curricular and extracurricular activities and athletics.  Homeschool students not enrolled at Piedmont may participate in athletic extracurricular activities only after completing a sports contract and paying the required fees.



            A registration fee is due at the time of enrollment, and annually thereafter.  Students will not be considered until the fee is paid.  There is a discount for enrolling early.

·         Fee is $150 per student (maximum $550 per family) if registering between March 1st-31st

·         Fee is $225 per student (maximum $675 per family) if registering between April 1st and May 31st

·         Fee is $250 per student (maximum $750 per family) if registering after June 1st

This fee is non-refundable unless the school denies the application.


            All previous accounts must be up-to-date before re-enrollment will be confirmed.  All accounts from the previous year must be paid in full before the student may start the following school year.


            Tuition will be charged for each student enrolled at Piedmont. This covers classroom instruction and participation for all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities scheduled at the enrolled grade level. The tuition and fees are due in full prior to the first day of attendance. To help families afford the cost of tuition, the school has implemented a 10-month, interest-free payment plan. Payments are due the first business day of each month—August through May. Payments should be mailed or brought into the school office during regular office hours (Monday-Friday 8:00am-3:15pm). Payments can be made by cash, check, money order, through your bank’s online bill pay, or by card. Please note, if you choose to pay by card, a 3% fee will be added.


Preschool (K3 and K4)           $5,460.00 for full-week, full-day ($546/month)

                                               $3,260.00 for full-week, half-day 8:30-11:30 ($326/month August-May)

                                               $3,680.00 for M/Tu/W, full-day ($368/month August-May)


K5-6th grades                         $5,040.00/year ($504/month August-May)


7th-12th grades                       $5,460.00/year ($546/month August-May)

11th-12th grades (optional)      $5,500.00/year ($550/month August-May) *student receives 3 college credits*

PAYMENT SCHEDULE: Tuition may be paid in full by August 1st or at the time of enrollment if after that date. Monthly installments are due the first business day of each month—August through May.

DELINQUENT ACCOUNTS: There will be a $15 late charge if the monthly payment is not received by the fifth business day of each month. Any account two months past due will have thirty days to become current.  If satisfactory payment arrangements cannot be made, the student may be withdrawn from class until payments are made in full. Piedmont Christian School will submit delinquent accounts to a collection agency or pursue litigation for balances due plus fees or legal expenses if incurred.

DISCOUNTS:  A 5% discount is given if tuition is paid in full by June 1st. After the first child paying full tuition, a 10% discount will be given to each of any subsequent siblings enrolled. All discounts are applied to the lowest tuition amounts. Discounts do not apply to homeschool tuition.

BANK FEES: There will be a $35 service charge imposed for each returned check.


In the event a student withdraws before the completion of the school year, tuition will be pro-rated for each month of attendance (or portion thereof), August through May, regardless of school days scheduled in a particular month. A statement of account will be sent within 10 days of withdrawal detailing all final charges and fees owed, which will be due within 30 days of withdrawal. Any refund due will be sent within 30 days of withdrawal pending satisfaction of all accrued charges and fees. All records created at Piedmont are proprietary and will be transferred or forwarded upon request only upon completion of all financial and contractual obligations. 


            The books and classroom fees must be paid in full by the first day of school or at the time of enrollment if after that date.  Fees may be included in monthly payments.  These fees cover consumable textbooks, teacher textbooks, consumable classroom supplies (art, science, etc.), the replacement of reusable books, and standardized testing costs.  Reusable books are the property of the school and this fee includes a rental charge instead of a purchase price.  If textbooks are lost, the student’s account will be charged the cost of the individual textbook and shipping to replace the book.           

K3/K4      $140

            K5-2nd     $190

            3rd-6th     $210

            7th-12th    $270   

Sports contracts and fees will be due at the beginning of each sports season.  The fees will be $75 per sport played for enrolled students.           

Homeschool student books and fees are based on the individual classes being taken by the student.  Homeschoolers will pay $700 per class taken.  Homeschool books will be charged by the classes taken plus $50.

Homeschool students who are not enrolled in classes will have a $95 sports fee per sport.


Eleventh and twelfth grade students who have a 3.0 or higher GPA have the option to take a dual enrollment class. PCS partners with J. Sergeant Reynolds Community College to offer this option. There will be an additional charge for students who choose to take advantage of this opportunity.



Grading standards for K3, K4, and Elementary Electives (music, art, computer, Spanish, PE):

E          Excellent—Progress is beyond expectations

S          Satisfactory—Progress meets expectations

I           Improving—Showing progress

N         Needs Improvement—Progress is below expectations

U         Unsatisfactory—No progress being made


Grading standards for K5-12th:

Superior                       Above Average                       Average                       Passing                        Failing

A+=98-100                 B+=90-92                                C+=82-84                    D+=74-76                   F=69 & below

A  =95-97                    B  =87-89                                C  =79-81                    D  =72-73                                           

A- =93-94                   B- =85-86                                C- =77-78                    D- =70-71



            If a student fails more than two subjects, regardless of the subject, they will be required to repeat the grade level. 

            Elementary students in K5-6th must pass English and Math in order to progress to the next grade level. 

            Students in 7th and 8th must pass all core subjects (Bible, Language Arts/English, and Math) before progressing to the next grade level.

            Students in 9th-12th are working on a credit diploma.  Failed courses must be repeated in order to get the necessary credits for graduation.

            If a student is struggling in a particular subject, tutoring may be recommended.  It is the responsibility of the parent to make arrangements for tutoring.


22-Credit Standard Diploma                                                                  27-Credit Advanced Diploma

Subject                                     Credits                                                 Subject                                     Credits

English                                     4                                                          English                                     4

Math                                        3                                                          Math                                        4

Science                                    3                                                          Science                                    4

History                                     3                                                          History                                     4

PE/Health                                 2                                                          PE/Health                                 2

Electives (Bible)                       4                                                          Electives (Bible)                       4

Foreign Language                                                                                 Foreign Language                     3

OR Fine Arts/Tech Elective      2                                                          Fine Arts/Tech Elective             1

Personal Finance                      1                                                          Personal Finance                      1


A student must have the correct number of credits to graduate, and they must be in the correct areas of concentration.  Taking a virtual (online) course and becoming certified in First Aid/CPR/AED are also additional graduation requirements according to the state of Virginia.  PCS students are scheduled to complete the Advanced Diploma.  Valedictorian and Salutatorian honors will only be awarded to students achieving the Advanced Diploma.  Students receiving these honors must have a GPA of at least 3.0.


            Most (if not all) students will have PE class.  The designated schedule will be assigned at the beginning of the school year.  Students in 7th grade and above will be expected to dress out in the required PE uniform for each PE class.  The PE uniform is for sale in the office.  Athletic shoes are required as part of the uniform.  Students will be graded on participation, attitude, dressing out, and behavior.  A student may be excused from participation if ill or injured when a doctor or parent note is provided.


            Cumulative quarter/semester tests will be given to students in 9th-12th at the end of each quarter/semester. Secondary students maintaining an “A” in a class for both quarters of each semester will be exempt from that semester test in that class. Exemptions for semester test days are not considered absences. Students enrolled in a dual enrollment class may not be exempt as it is a requirement for the class to take a mid-term and a final.


            Status reports will be issued halfway through each quarter.  They act as an interim report card, allowing students and parents to know how the student is doing in each subject.  They must be signed by the parent and returned at the stated time.   


            Report cards include day (or subject block) attendance and subject grade averages.  These will be issued at the end of each nine-week grading period for all students. These report cards must be signed by the parent/guardian and returned to the teacher within 2 days. Report cards, transcripts, and other student records are proprietary documents and will be furnished only when all contractual and financial obligations have been met.


            PCS does not allow calculator usage on math assignments until high school Algebra II courses. This is to ensure that students diligently practice basic math concepts. Should a student coming from public school have an IEP with a calculator accommodation, it is recommended that the student work with a tutor to work on math concepts outside of school. Multiplication charts may be permitted until the teachers feel that the student has improved and no longer needs it.


            Because homework is an integral part of a disciplined learning process, each teacher is at liberty to assign homework to aid students in their studies.  Homework may be given for drill and practice, creative activity, for individual interests and needs, or to study for major tests, quizzes, or extra projects.  Major projects and tests are assigned well in advance to allow for budgeting the extra time to accomplish them successfully.  Classes vary—if your student is having a problem with too much homework, please contact the teacher and see if the student is using class time wisely.

            All assigned homework must be completed.  If an assignment is turned in later than the due date, the teacher may penalize the grade earned.  The student will still be required to complete the assignment regardless of the declining grade.


            When necessary, consecutive elementary grade levels will be combined to create one larger class. Math and grammar will be taught at the appropriate grade level. Other subjects may be taught in a combined group.  Secondary grade levels may be combined as well; if so, subjects will be taught at one grade level the first year, and the other grade level the following year. It is the school’s desire to have every grade in its own separate classroom. Enrollment numbers and available staff determine if combinations have to be made.


            Field trips will be planned throughout the school year.  Some trips will be for a specific class or age group, and others will be planned for the whole student body.  Forms will be sent home for permission and with all necessary information.  Field trips will be arranged for the most reasonable price and the cost of the field trip will be the responsibility of the family.


            All holidays will be celebrated from a Christian perspective.  The teacher will notify parents of any class celebrations and may ask for volunteers to assist in the planning, directing, sending of food and favors, and helping with games and other activities.


            Items left behind around the school grounds may be placed in the lost and found box in the school lunchroom.  Items often found in the box include: coats/jackets, clothes, and lunchboxes. Please contact the office if you are looking for something specific.  Parents should check the lost and found box at least once or twice a year to see if missing items can be retrieved.  At the end of the school year, items left in the lost and found box will be discarded or donated.


            PCS does provide a menu for purchased snacks and meal items available every day in the lunchroom.  Ice cream is also available. If your student needs to buy a lunch or snack item, please send them with the appropriate lunch money on that day.  Orders will be taken and money collected at the beginning of the school day for these lunch items. 

            Due to the short time available for snack break, please send snack items for elementary students that are prepared and ready to eat (for example, peeled/cut fruit, veggies, or cereal bar).


            PCS must follow state law for dispensing medications during the school day.  In order for a staff member to dispense any over-the-counter or prescription medication, they need to be certified in CPR and AED and have been trained and certified in Medication Administration Training through a course approved by the Board of Nursing and the Virginia Department of Social Services. 

            Piedmont will dispense prescription medications for a period of 10 days or fewer when a parent has:

·         Provided the medications in a labeled prescription package.  Prescription medications cannot be in any other containers.  A parent must bring the medication to school

·         Filled out the medication consent form.  A new form must be filled out if there are any changes to the medication dosage.

·         Already provided at least the first dose and has had time to witness possible side effects.

Unused medications will be returned at the end of 10 days.  In order to provide prescription medications for more than 10 days or for the full school year (e.g. inhalers for asthma), the medication consent form must be signed by the prescribing physician.

Piedmont will only dispense over-the-counter medicines after a parent has been contacted and gives approval.  In order to provide these medicines throughout the year without consent for each individual instance, a parent must provide a medication consent form with a physician’s signature with each medication desired listed.  If a particular over-the-counter medication is not present at the school, the parent must provide it for their child’s use.

All instances of occasional medication administration will be recorded in the current medication log.  Regular daily, weekly, or monthly administrations will have been recorded on the consent forms.

Piedmont will not dispense any medication listed as a narcotic, even with a physician’s approval.  We will not administer insulin injections or rectal medications unless specialized certification has been awarded to a staff member through MAT training.  PCS will not allow marijuana or its derivatives to be used as medicine on campus.

Student health information, medical and psychiatric records, and medical consent forms will be kept separate from other student records.  Access to these records will be limited and protected.  This information may only be shared with necessary school personnel with the written permission of the parent.  PCS will collect new information from the parent upon enrollment, or past information for the previous school when transferring.  It is the parent’s responsibility to keep these records up to date when changes occur.


Piedmont Christian School emphasizes the importance of promptness and regularity in class attendance at school and follows state guidelines for reporting absences.

Students who need to leave early must have a note from a parent and will need to be signed out at the office. Students will be sent for and brought to the parent in the office. Secondary drivers must present a note and sign themselves out at the office before leaving. Pre-scheduled tests, quizzes or projects should be completed before leaving or as pre-arranged with the teacher.


Elementary students not in attendance will be marked absent for the day. Students not in attendance at the second bell but who arrive by 11:30 will be marked tardy for the day. Students must be present for at least half of the school day to be considered present (student must arrive before 11:30 or leave after 11:30).

Secondary students not in attendance for the first period will be marked absent for the day. This will be changed to tardy if the student arrives any time prior to 11:30. Secondary students not in attendance at any block period start time will be marked absent or tardy for that block.

Parents must notify the school about a student’s absence. A phone call, email, written note or doctor’s note is acceptable. All absences with parent notification are considered excused.

Athletes are not allowed to participate in scheduled games when absent from school that same day. Athletes must be in attendance for at least half of scheduled classes to be eligible for game day rosters. Exceptions may be made by administration for reasons deemed valid.


An unexcused absence occurs when the student fails to attend school and no notification has been received that the parent is aware of and supports the student’s absence. Attempts will be made to contact the family concerning the student’s unexcused absence. After 15 days of absences, and with failure to make contact or to hear from the family, the administration will report the student to law enforcement as truant.

            When a student has been absent 15 days, the parents will be required to schedule a conference with the administrator to discuss the situation.  This may result in probation.  Of course, any student missing a substantial amount of time due to a major illness or surgery may petition the administration for approval outside tutoring in order to stay up-to-date with all work.  Otherwise, any student accumulating twenty days of absences, whether excused or unexcused, will be required to repeat the current grade or may petition the school board to be advanced to the next grade.


If any student arrives late, the parent should sign the student in at the office. The student will then be escorted to the classroom. Secondary students may be signed in or bring a note to the teacher when they enter that period or block class. These notes will be forwarded to the office.


An unexcused tardy occurs when the student fails to arrive at school on time and no notification has been received that the parent is aware of and supports the student’s tardiness. When any student has reached 5 unexcused tardies in one 9-week grading period for a period or block class, the student will be given a demerit for every subsequent tardy during that quarter. The administrator reserves the right to determine the application of this policy.

            Secondary students will have 3 minutes between each class to go to their lockers/use the bathroom. Individual teachers will keep track of each tardy for each class on Thinkwave. Every 3 tardies will equal a before or after school detention.


A parent can request their child’s makeup work by phone or email. The student’s classwork can be picked up at the office at the end of the day. Other arrangements can be made such as having a classmate or sibling collect work and take it home to the absent student. Please contact the office before noon to make these arrangements.

Upon returning from an absence, a student has the same number of days missed to make up the classwork. For example, if absent one day, one day will be given to complete the missing classwork. Work not turned in according to these accommodations will be graded late.

Students with planned absences are expected to gather missed classwork prior to the absence. Completed classwork should be turned in when the student resumes attendance. If the student returns on the day of a pre-scheduled test, quiz or project due date, the student will be expected to take the test, quiz, or turn in the project (unless pre-arranged with the teacher for a different date).


Inclement weather may force administration to close or delay the opening of school. Mass phone calls and/or texts will be made using the One Call system for these announcements. Local media such as Facebook pages and the school’s website will be used to communicate school closings/delays.

If school should have to close early, the announcement will be made using the One Call system. Children must be picked up within 30 minutes of the announced closing time. Please be prepared for these emergency pickups by arranging for assistance in advance. Extended care is not offered on these days. 



            Students may arrive on campus as early as 8:00am.  They should report to the gym where they will be supervised by a staff member.  At 8:15am, the first bell rings signaling secondary students to go to their lockers and to their prospective Bible classes. A second bell will ring at 8:20 signaling the tardy bell for secondary, and for elementary students to be released to go to class. The secondary students’ day begins at 8:20, while the elementary students’ day begins at 8:25. Use of playground equipment is prohibited in the mornings before school.


            At 3:00pm, the bell rings signaling the end of the school day and students are released to the parents.  Parents must go to the classroom or be visible to the teacher before a student will be released. Use of playground is allowed in the afternoons until 3:30; however, parental supervision is required, and playground rules must be followed.


            Extended care is available for families before and after school.  Morning extended care begins at 7:00 am. Students dropped off between 7:00 and 8:00 are charged by the quarter hour at a rate of $8.00 per hour.  If school is operating on a 2-hour delay, morning extended care will be available beginning at 9:00 am. 

            Afternoon extended care is available each day from 3:15 pm to 5:30pm.  Afternoon extended care may be arranged in advance.  Any student whose parent is later than 3:15 pm to pick up will be taken to extended care, and fees will begin immediately.  Students will be charged by the quarter hour at a rate of $8.00 per hour.  After 5:30pm, the late fee is $1.00 for each minute late. 

            Extended care is not available on days when school is scheduled to dismiss early.  If a weather event or other emergency causes school to close early, parents have 30 minutes after the announced time to pick up students.  Extended care will not be available on those days.

            Please realize that this is a needs-based service. Please only use this service when necessary due to work or emergencies.



            Good communication between the parent and the teacher is very important.  Parent-teacher conferences will be required for any student with a D or F on any report card, but this should not be the first communication if a student is doing poorly in a class or subject.  Teachers or parents may schedule conferences as needed throughout the year. Please communicate with the teacher before communicating with the administrator about student’s grades.


            Sixth-twelfth grades will use Thinkwave to record grades and absences. Parents will always have access to student’s grades. Please allow teachers at least 3 days from the time the assignment was due to input the grade for that assignment in Thinkwave.


            The school office is open 8:00-3:15 on normal school days.  Teachers are not available to take phone calls through the office during the school day. Messages will be delivered and a prompt reply can be expected. Most faculty will share their cell phone number with parents and can be contacted by text, but please be considerate of the teacher’s personal time outside of school.  Messages from parents to students will be delivered in a timely manner without interrupting class.  Rules regarding student cell phones will be covered in the Conduct section of this handbook.

            PCS uses the One Call Now service to send out telephone messages to communicate emergency information, such as weather-related school closings.

            PCS will use either One Call Now or emails to relay upcoming events or important announcements.


            Emails to the school office will be answered promptly or forwarded as necessary.  Teachers may decide to share their personal email address with parents, or messages from parents will be forwarded by the office.  The school uses mass emails for general and event information for parents and patrons.


            Adult visitors are welcome to visit the school, but everyone must sign in and out of the office before entering any of the classrooms.  Parents and others desiring to visit the classroom should make arrangements in advance with the office and the teacher.  Visitor presence in the classroom should be reserved for classroom parties and scheduled observations.  Anyone is welcome to attend chapel services and holiday presentations.



            Through team sports and athletic events, students have opportunities to develop socially along with physically. Sports gives students an opportunity to practice applying God’s truths to competitive situations, as well as a chance to develop strength of character through experiences of adversity and triumph.

PCS offers cross country, volleyball, basketball, cheer, and golf in regular seasons when there are enough players to complete a full roster.  Players will be loaned a team uniform and will be responsible for its care and upkeep.  Athletes are expected to attend practices, games, and awards ceremonies as scheduled.  They are also expected to travel with an arranged form of transportation (or with assigned parents) and may not drive themselves to away games.

Students participating in a sport will be expected to have an overall 2.0 GPA. Academic eligibility will be evaluated with each quarterly report card and each subsequent status report after the first quarter.  Students receiving an “F” for any one subject will be suspended from games and practices until the grade is raised to a passing grade.

For each sport a student participates in, there will be an associated fee to help offset the cost of referees, equipment, and uniforms as necessary.  This fee must be paid in full before the student may participate in practices and games. 

Practice schedules will be determined by the coach and will be communicated to the students and parents in a timely fashion.  Game schedules will be included on the monthly school calendar.  Parents are responsible for picking up their students on time after practice, and they may be asked to help provide transportation to away games.

Appropriate attire must be worn during practices. Clothing must be modest, and it is under the discretion of the coach to deem something as inappropriate.

If a student who is not on the team wants to attend a home game, he/she must have written permission from a parent stating that he/she is allowed to stay after school and must sign in and stay in the gym under the supervision of the coach. The student may also go to Extended Care (fees will apply) or be picked up and brought back to school when the game starts if preferred.



Piedmont’s dress code policy is designed to allow students to show their individuality while still maintaining a modest appearance. We want to give our students the tools to succeed in the future and we believe that teaching them the appropriate way to dress is crucial. Educating our students on how to dress modestly in today’s world is our mission with this new dress code. The cooperation of the student and the parent is necessary in maintaining the standards of the dress code. Please make sure you are aware of the dress code rules and check what your child is wearing before they leave for school every day.  If we are constantly having to correct everyone’s dress, we will go back to our original uniform.

Dress Code Requirements:



·         The torso (shoulders, back, stomach, and hips) must be covered.

·         Tank tops of any sort are not allowed. 

·         Low cut necklines and/or revealing clothing including see-through materials, are not acceptable.

·         All undergarments must be covered.

·         No midriff may show if both hands are raised in the air.

·         Appropriately fitting “t-shirts” free from holes, stains. or stretched out necks are permitted.

·         Appropriately fitting hoodies and sweatshirts free from stains, holes, and stretched out necks are permitted.


·         Shorts, skirts, and dresses must hit TWO inches above the knee or longer. No holes in pants/jeans will be allowed.

·         Pants, jeans, and skirts must be worn above the hip bones (no sagging). Clothing must be appropriately sized and remain at the waistline.

·         Students may wear dress leggings (not see-through) with a tunic-style shirt. If leggings are worn, the tunic shirt MUST be longer than the student’s longest finger when standing with arms flat to the side (T-shirts with leggings are not permitted).

·         Prohibited attire:

o   Tight fitting workout attire (yoga pants, spandex, etc.)

o   Sweatpants, athletic jogger pants, athletic shorts, etc.

o   Pajamas and sleepwear


·         Shoes must be worn.

·         Slippers are not allowed.

·         Flip flops are prohibited on gym days.

·         Hats, bandanas, sweat bands, or any other head coverings are not allowed.

·         Hair should be a natural color (no bold artificial colors), well groomed, neatly trimmed and clean.

·         Modest make up is permitted.

·         Earrings are permitted, but no other body piercings are allowed.



·         The torso (shoulders, back, stomach, and hips) must be covered.

·         Collared shirts and button-down collared shirts are allowed.

·         Appropriately fitting “t-shirts” free from holes, stains and stretched out necks (examples: henleys, baseball tees, dri-FIT t-shirts) are permitted.

·         Tank tops of any sort are not allowed.

·         Low cut necklines and/or revealing clothing including see-through materials, are not acceptable.

·         All undergarments must be covered.

·         No midriff may show if both hands are raised in the air.

·         Appropriately fitting hoodies and sweatshirts free from stains, holes, and stretched out necks are permitted.


·         Jeans, chino pants/shorts and cargo pants/shorts are permitted.

·         Pants, jeans, and shorts must be worn above the hip bones (no sagging). Clothing must be appropriately sized and remain at the waistline. All undergarments must be covered.

·         Prohibited attire:

o   Sweatpants, athletic joggers, athletic shorts, etc.

o   Pajamas and sleepwear


·         Shoes must be worn.

·         Slippers are not allowed.

·         Flip flops are prohibited on gym days.

·         Hats, bandanas, sweat bands, or any other head covering are not allowed.

·         Hair should be a natural color (no bold artificial colors), well-groomed, neatly trimmed, and clean.

·         Older boys may have neatly trimmed facial hair.

·         No earrings or other body piercings.

*  Clothing with logos, slogans, words, or pictures promoting or depicting alcohol, tobacco, drugs, vandalism, bigotry, violence, sexual connotations, politics or profanity is prohibited. This includes clothing with phrases or pictures that have double meanings.

Discipline for Dress Code Violations:

FIRST WARNING: A student who is out of dress code will be given ONE warning for the year and be given clothes out of the School Store to wear for the day. A note will be sent home to parents.

SECOND OFFENSE: The student will be required to stay in the office until their parent can bring them appropriate clothes to wear.

THIRD OFFENSE: The student will be required to stay in the office until their parent can bring them appropriate clothes to wear. The student will have before or after school detention.

*If a student is consistently out of dress code (after the 4th time), they will be REQUIRED to go back to our original uniform (khaki/navy bottoms, collared shirt). *

If the principal determines that a student's grooming or clothing violates the school's dress code, the student will be given an opportunity to correct the problem at school. If not corrected, the student may be assigned in-school suspension in the office for the remainder of the day, until the problem is corrected; or until a parent or designee brings an acceptable change of clothing to the school. Repeated offenses may result in a more serious disciplinary action.


*The goal of our discipline policy is to keep students accountable for their behavior and to promote an environment of cooperation and learning. Each teacher will have his/her own classroom management plan that will be communicated to administration and parents at the beginning of the school year. Should a student have behavioral issues in the classroom, and the teacher has maxed out her classroom consequences with the student, the student will be required to attend before or after school detention. These detentions will be held during morning care or after school care. The student will be signed in to before or after care which will incur a fee while they are under the supervision of the extended care worker. The student will have an assignment to complete within 30 minutes. Should a student receive 2 detentions in one quarter, he.she could receive an out of school suspension.

·         Infraction examples

o   Unexcused tardy

o   Dress code violation

o   Excessive talking in class

o   Passing notes in class

o   Disruptive behavior in class

o   Cell phone usage

o   Public displays of affection

o   Taunting/teasing other students

o   Slander/gossip

o   Obscene jokes

o   Inappropriate language (curse words, sexual connotations, racial slurs, etc.)

o   Defiance of authority/disrespect

o   Sleeping during class

o   Dishonesty/lying/cheating

o   Throwing objects (rocks, pencils, etc.)

o   Inappropriate use of playground equipment


·         Infractions that will result in automatic after school detention:

o   Vandalism of school property

o   Vandalism of another person’s property

o   Bullying


·         Infractions that will result in suspension/expulsion:

o   Fighting (initiating or participating)

o   Verbal harassment

o   Cheating

o   Possession of weapons, drugs, drug paraphernalia, tobacco, alcohol, or pornography

o   Sexual harassment


Detentions may be given at the discretion of the administration for irregular disciplinary scenarios not covered by the list above.


PCS considers harassment to include physical conduct, verbal conduct, or cyber-bullying. This includes any intentional written, electronic, verbal, or physical act or actions against another person. All forms of cyberbullying are unacceptable and will not be tolerated at PCS. Cyberbullying includes, but is not limited to, the following misuses of technology: harassment, teasing, intimidating, threatening, or terrorizing another person by sending or posting inappropriate and hurtful emails, instant or text messages, digital pictures, or website postings.

Actions are considered harassment or bullying whether they take place in person, via electronics, gestures, or any other form of communication toward any individual. Any incident of possible harassment, discrimination, or bullying should be brought immediately to the attention of the administrator who will thoroughly investigate the matter in confidence. Consequences will be determined based on the context and severity of the harassment. Consequences may include detentions, suspensions, or expulsions.

It is encouraged that students abide by these policies whether they are on or off campus. It says in 2 Corinthians 3:2 that we are all epistles read by men. Students’ lives should reflect Christ in every aspect. Students are representatives of Piedmont Christian School to the community.


            More serious infractions may lead to suspension from school.  Suspension from school involves several aspects, including:

·         The student may not attend class or any extra-curricular events during the suspension.

·         The student will receive a “0” on any and all classwork, tests, or quizzes that are missed.

·         The student will be required to complete regular homework assignments on time.

·         The student may be required to do extra assignments or work related to the violation.


            A student may be asked to leave if he/she OR the parents/guardians are unwilling to cooperate with the school in regards to actions, attitudes, rules, or discipline.  In the event that a student is expelled, the parent/guardian understands that the expelled student is no longer allowed on school grounds.  This includes attendance at any school activity.


            A student who has been expelled may be considered for readmission at the beginning of the next school year, subject to the approval of the School Board and the Administrator, on a probationary basis.  A period of probation could also be administered as a disciplinary action for a current student. This period of probation would give the student the chance to demonstrate improvement in the problem areas.  While on probation, a student forfeits the privilege to be involved in any student leadership role or extra-curricular activity in which PCS would be represented.  The duration of the probationary period will be determined by the School Board and Administrator.


            To promote a clear understanding of the conduct and expectations of PCS, all students must agree to abide by the following agreement and the standards it upholds.  Parents must agree to discuss its importance with the student and help PCS students develop a Christ-like character.   The agreement is as follows:

·         I understand that PCS has been established for the purpose of providing a Christian education to its students.  I further understand that the proper spirit, attitude, and commitment of each student are vital to the achievement of that goal.

·         I understand that God has ordained authority as a necessary part of life to guide and direct behavior.  I understand that the proper respect for authority is a valuable part of training.

·         I understand that a Christian school must work within certain standards and rules in order to give the best training to its students.  The standards in a Christian school are different from those in a secular school because their aims and goals are based on Biblical principles.

·         I understand that the testimony of the school, the encouragement of my fellow students, and my personal testimony are affected negatively or positively by my attitudes and efforts toward academic achievement.


            First, and always, respect should be shown to God, His Word, and prayer.  It is also expected that students show respect to the teachers, staff, and other adults in authority.  Courtesy is always appropriate behavior.  This is shown by addressing teachers and adults appropriately and politely, as well as obeying instructions.  Any disrespect for authority shown by attitude, action, or words will result in disciplinary action. 


            Respect for one’s fellow students is shown by being considerate of other people and their feelings.  When students interact with one another, we expect and require them to conduct themselves accordingly.  Once again, courtesy and the display of good manners is appropriate and expected behavior.  Language that implies any threat, whether real or exaggerated, is not allowed.  Any type of bullying and inappropriate speech (slurs, name-calling, inappropriate joking, etc.) will lead to disciplinary measures. 


            Students are expected to respect the property of other students and staff.  No student may disturb another student’s or teacher’s belongings without permission.  Students are encouraged to label all items brought to school and are discouraged from bringing valuables or money.  Laptops may be used in class by secondary students for classroom use only.  Personal items are the responsibility of the student, not of the school.

            Items that are not permitted at school are:

·         Electronic games

·         Magazines (unless requested by a teacher for a project)

·         Trading cards

·         Gum

·         Comic books

·         Playing cards

·         Skateboards

·         Weapons of any description

·         Pocket knives

·         Illegal substances

            If a student is found to be in possession of any of these items, they will be collected and held in the office for the student’s parent/guardian to retrieve.  If the item is of a serious nature (for example, a weapon), disciplinary action will also occur.


            We must all be good stewards of the facilities here at PCS.  This includes keeping belongings in place, placing trash in proper receptacles, and taking care of equipment and furniture.  Vandalism of any school or church property includes defacing or destruction of property.  If a student engages in vandalism, he/she will be responsible for the cost of replacing or repairing the item.  If the damage is willful, disciplinary action will also result.      


            Each student is accountable for his/her own actions and should realize that actions reflect character.  There are many ways a student can show a respect for self, including: 

·         Classroom preparedness—being on time, arriving with all items needed for class, having homework completed in a timely fashion, being prepared for tests and assignments.

·         Lifestyle choices—using God’s Word to guide life choices, media influences, and social associations. 

·         Work ethic—demonstrating that they are willing to work hard and give their best effort.  This also includes a willingness to be honest in school.  Lying, cheating, and plagiarism are not acceptable student behaviors and will result in discipline.


            A copy of the student’s valid Virginia driver’s license and insurance information must be filed in the school office.  There must be written documentation on file giving permission from the parents of the driver to transport certain students and from the parent of the student who will be transported.  This permission must be granted for each occasion, unless the other student is a sibling of the driver.


            Students are not allowed to have cell phones during the school day. Secondary students are required to turn their phones/electronic devices off and put them in room D10 every morning by 8:25 and may retrieve them at 3:00. If parents need to get in touch with their student during the school day, please contact the student through the office rather than sending a text message.

Students may use electronic devices while on school-sponsored, off-campus events (field trips, sporting events, etc.) only with the permission of their immediate supervisor. 


            Secondary students will have some classes that require laptop usage. Many precautions will be taken to protect students from inappropriate sites that include: teacher supervision, website filtering & security, and facilitator web viewing capabilities. Students will be expected to use technology responsibly, and should they choose not to, their technology privileges can be revoked.


All students who are enrolled, and the parents that have enrolled their children, in Piedmont Christian School have agreed to the following:

1.      We sincerely pledge our loyalty to the aims and ideals of the school and will attend scheduled meetings.

2.      We hereby invest authority in the staff and administration concerning the discipline of our student in accordance with Biblical principles and methods. We further understand that should a student’s behavior warrant it, the parent(s)/guardian will be called to the school to discipline the child or to remove the child from school.

3.      We agree that the school administration has the responsibility to dismiss any student who does not honor the standards of the school or does not cooperate for the general welfare of the student body.

4.      We agree in accordance with the Biblical principle of Matthew 18:15-17 to bring any questions about criticisms to the person most directly involved. If we have a question about a specific classroom action or procedure, then we will contact the appropriate teacher. If a satisfactory conclusion is not reached, then we will contact the administrator. We will not start and/or spread gossip or rumors or cause dissention and discord.

5.      We understand that all new students are accepted on a trial basis during the first grading period before grade placement becomes final.  My child has been tested for or received special education services: ____Yes ____No (please check). 

If Yes, please describe service(s):__________________________________________________

6.      I agree with, support, and will conform to the statement of faith, guidelines, procedures, and obligations outlined in the PCS Handbook.


Student Printed Name____________________________________________                

Student Signature_______________________________________________                  Date____________________


Student Printed Name___________________________________________                  

Student Signature ______________________________________________                  Date_____________________


Student Printed Name __________________________________________

Student Signature _____________________________________________                    Date ____________________

Father/Guardian Signature ______________________________________                    Date_____________________

Mother/Guardian Signature ______________________________________                   Date_____________________

Administrator_________________________________________________                   Date_____________________